Monday, May 13, 2013

Our last minute Mother's Day gifts

Well, I was planning on posting this two days ago. Our last minute gifts ended up becoming VERY last minute, however.

A few days before Mother's Day we picked up three cute little canvasses at JoAnne. I knew I had some tempera paint at home, and I figured we could do some hand print pics.

Cut to the night before Mother's Day. The paint is nowhere to be found.
A good friend and I had finally planned to go out for a drink. Our first drink ever. When we met, I was pregnant, and soon after my son was born, she was with child. This was followed by a series of "Let's do this." And "Come over for a glass of wine." All the while we took pretty synchronized turns calling each other 20 minutes later to cancel because of teething, gas, exhaustion or, if we were lucky, a happy, sleeping baby which we would not wake up. Ever. For anything.
So I rushed to the store to get some cheap paint, and then across the street to the bowling alley/lounge where we finally pulled off hanging out. And for the record, our night was so wild that the bar tender practically CALLED us lame when she closed out tab. (When he said "That wasn't much of a night out." I assured him that he was very, very wrong.)

So the next morning (Mother's Day) I had breakfast in bed, and slept in for hours!  It was amazing!  But it didn't leave a lot of time for crafting.  I felt horribly about this (I did not care ONE BIT.)

Not only that, but my child was very resistant to helping out with the most important piece - the hand print.

In the end, I force-smooshed his little hand down, and he in turn ate A LOT of black tempera.  Non-toxic for the win! Needless to say, I did not get any photos of that epic adventure, so I'll just post the canvass prepping I did.  Enjoy!

The Grandmas LOVED THEM!!

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